Thursday, August 28, 2008


My husband and I,both in our 20s, lives with my parents while we're staying in New York City. From where i come from(Tuvalu),other young adults I know still live at home with their parents. It is very common for adults to live at home with their parents back home probably to minimize the cost of living.

These days,grown-up children living at home is not an uncommon phenomenon. This is especially the case when the children study or work in the same city as their parents and still don’t have a family.
In our case, my husband works together with my parents in Manhattan and we all live together in a 3 bedrooms apartment, very beautiful with two balconies.We have 2 kids,my parents plus my two little siblings...therefore a total of 8 people in our apartment.

We do all the chores together, helping out everyday.Once my siblings go back to school, i am left with my kids at home 24/7 while my husband and parents goes off to work.

Everyday is just like any othe normal day.Feed kids, bathe them, let them watch preschool on tv, let them take their nap,more blogging,chat online,clean house...make lunch/dinner then take kids for a walk.

(Photo:sis tamala,daughter sue,son morrison and brother falema at one of our outings)

Usually on Saturdays, the family starts off with HIP HOP ABS exercise dvd playing loudly (poor neighbours!!),as dad and mum concentrate hard to get hot abs (yehhh go guys!) while falema (lil bro) exercise as if he's taking a stroll...lols.Afterwards,we say our morning devotion then everyone has a chore to do before heading to our own rooms to clean them.Doing the laundry is also every Saturdays, either i do it OR my husband and the kids.

Sundays, we start off by doing the devotion then do the chores.Aftewards,we do our own things till its lunch, then off to sleep, more chores then dinner!

Having to share chores is a great way to live happily when you're staying with other people.Not only is the house clean BUT everyone's happy!!!

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